- Ideology and Mass Killing: The Radicalized Security Politics of Genocides and Deadly Atrocities (Oxford University Press, 2022) [publisher page here] - the 'author's manuscript' version of the book's introduction can be freely accessed here.
- The Routledge Handbook of Ideology and International Relations, co-editor with Mark L. Haas (Routledge, 2022) [publisher page here]
- The Routledge Handbook of Ideology and International Relations, co-editor with Mark L. Haas (Routledge, 2022) [publisher page here]
peer-reviewed journal articles
- 'Comparative Historical Analysis in Political Theory,' Res Publica (2024) [open access journal download here]
- 'What is political moralism?,' TOPOI (2024) [open access journal download here]
- 'The logic of idealization in political theory,' American Journal of Political Science (2024) [open access journal download here]
- 'Manifestations of Xenophobia in AI Systems,' AI & Society (2024) [co-authored with Nenad Tomasev and Iason Gabriel] [open access journal download here]
- 'Humanizing Dehumanization Research,' Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology 4 (2023) [co-authored with Aliza Luft] [article here].
- 'Political Realism as Methods not Metaethics,' Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25/3 (2022): 449-463 [article here].
- 'Ideology and armed conflict,' Journal of Peace Research 56/5 (2019): 635-649 [journal download here].
- 'Is There a Distinctively Political Normativity?,' Ethics 128/4 (2018): 756-787 [co-authored with Alex Worsnip] [journal download here]
- 'Convergence and Divergence in the Study of Ideology: A Critical Review,' British Journal of Political Science 48/2 (2018): 563-589 [co-authored with Matto Mildenberger] [journal download here]
- 'Dangerous Speech and Dangerous Ideology: An Integrated Model for Monitoring and Prevention,' Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal 9/3 (2016) [co-authored with Susan Benesch] [journal download here]
- 'Preventing Mass Atrocities: Ideological Strategies and Interventions,' Politics and Governance 3/3 (2015) [article here]
- 'Identity and Ideology in Political Violence and Conflict,' St. Anthony’s International Review 10/2 (2015): 18-52 [author manuscript here]
- 'Rethinking the Role of Ideology in Mass Atrocities,' Terrorism and Political Violence 26/5 (2014): 821-841 [journal download here]
- 'A Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Ideology: Cognitive-Affective Structures and the Dynamics of Belief Systems,' Journal of Social and Political Psychology 1/1 (2013): 337-363 [co-authored with Thomas Homer-Dixon, Matto Mildenberger, Manjana Milkoreit, Steven J. Mock, Stephen Quilley, Tobias Schröder and Paul Thagard] [journal download here]
- 'A Map of the Field of Ideological Analysis,' Journal of Political Ideologies 18/3 (2013): 299-327 [journal download here]
- 'What is political moralism?,' TOPOI (2024) [open access journal download here]
- 'The logic of idealization in political theory,' American Journal of Political Science (2024) [open access journal download here]
- 'Manifestations of Xenophobia in AI Systems,' AI & Society (2024) [co-authored with Nenad Tomasev and Iason Gabriel] [open access journal download here]
- 'Humanizing Dehumanization Research,' Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology 4 (2023) [co-authored with Aliza Luft] [article here].
- 'Political Realism as Methods not Metaethics,' Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25/3 (2022): 449-463 [article here].
- 'Ideology and armed conflict,' Journal of Peace Research 56/5 (2019): 635-649 [journal download here].
- 'Is There a Distinctively Political Normativity?,' Ethics 128/4 (2018): 756-787 [co-authored with Alex Worsnip] [journal download here]
- 'Convergence and Divergence in the Study of Ideology: A Critical Review,' British Journal of Political Science 48/2 (2018): 563-589 [co-authored with Matto Mildenberger] [journal download here]
- 'Dangerous Speech and Dangerous Ideology: An Integrated Model for Monitoring and Prevention,' Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal 9/3 (2016) [co-authored with Susan Benesch] [journal download here]
- 'Preventing Mass Atrocities: Ideological Strategies and Interventions,' Politics and Governance 3/3 (2015) [article here]
- 'Identity and Ideology in Political Violence and Conflict,' St. Anthony’s International Review 10/2 (2015): 18-52 [author manuscript here]
- 'Rethinking the Role of Ideology in Mass Atrocities,' Terrorism and Political Violence 26/5 (2014): 821-841 [journal download here]
- 'A Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Ideology: Cognitive-Affective Structures and the Dynamics of Belief Systems,' Journal of Social and Political Psychology 1/1 (2013): 337-363 [co-authored with Thomas Homer-Dixon, Matto Mildenberger, Manjana Milkoreit, Steven J. Mock, Stephen Quilley, Tobias Schröder and Paul Thagard] [journal download here]
- 'A Map of the Field of Ideological Analysis,' Journal of Political Ideologies 18/3 (2013): 299-327 [journal download here]
book chapters
- ‘Authoritarian and Totalitarian Ideologies,’ in Mark L. Haas and Jonathan Leader Maynard (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Ideology and International Relations (Abingdon: Routledge, 2022).
- ‘Introduction: Ideology and the Study of World Politics,’ in Mark L. Haas and Jonathan Leader Maynard (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Ideology and International Relations (Abingdon: Routledge, 2022) [co-authored with Mark L. Haas].
- ‘Ideology and Genocide’ in Donald Bloxham and A. Dirk Moses (eds.), Genocide: Key Themes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022).
- ‘Ideologies, Identities and Speech in Atrocity Crimes,’ in Barbora Hola, Hollie Nyseth Brehm, and Maartje Weerdesteijn (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Atrocity Crime (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022)
- ‘Evil, genocide and mass atrocities,’ in Stephen de Wijze and Thomas Nys (eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evil (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019)
- 'Studying Perpetrator Ideologies in Atrocity Crimes,' in Alette Smeulers, Maartje Weerdesteijn and Barbora Hola (eds.), Perpetrators of International Crimes - Theories, Methods and Evidence (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019) [draft here]
- 'Theorizing Ideological Diversity in Mass Violence’, in Timothy Williams & Susanne Buckley-Zistel (eds.), Perpetrators and Perpetration of Mass Violence: Action, Motivations and Dynamics (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018)
- 'Ideology,' in William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner (eds.), Handbook of Political Sociology (London: Sage Publications, 2017)
- 'Ideological Analysis,' in Adrian Blau (ed.), Methods in Analytical Political Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017) [author manuscript here]
- 'Combating Atrocity-justifying Ideologies,' in Serena K. Sharma and Jennifer M. Welsh (eds.), The Responsibility to Prevent: Overcoming the Challenges to Atrocity Prevention (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015)
- 'Liberal and Non-Liberal Justifications of Mass Violence Against Civilians,' in Alan Cromartie (ed.), Liberal Wars: Anglo-American strategy, ideology, and practice (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015)
- ‘Introduction: Ideology and the Study of World Politics,’ in Mark L. Haas and Jonathan Leader Maynard (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Ideology and International Relations (Abingdon: Routledge, 2022) [co-authored with Mark L. Haas].
- ‘Ideology and Genocide’ in Donald Bloxham and A. Dirk Moses (eds.), Genocide: Key Themes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022).
- ‘Ideologies, Identities and Speech in Atrocity Crimes,’ in Barbora Hola, Hollie Nyseth Brehm, and Maartje Weerdesteijn (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Atrocity Crime (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022)
- ‘Evil, genocide and mass atrocities,’ in Stephen de Wijze and Thomas Nys (eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evil (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019)
- 'Studying Perpetrator Ideologies in Atrocity Crimes,' in Alette Smeulers, Maartje Weerdesteijn and Barbora Hola (eds.), Perpetrators of International Crimes - Theories, Methods and Evidence (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019) [draft here]
- 'Theorizing Ideological Diversity in Mass Violence’, in Timothy Williams & Susanne Buckley-Zistel (eds.), Perpetrators and Perpetration of Mass Violence: Action, Motivations and Dynamics (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018)
- 'Ideology,' in William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner (eds.), Handbook of Political Sociology (London: Sage Publications, 2017)
- 'Ideological Analysis,' in Adrian Blau (ed.), Methods in Analytical Political Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017) [author manuscript here]
- 'Combating Atrocity-justifying Ideologies,' in Serena K. Sharma and Jennifer M. Welsh (eds.), The Responsibility to Prevent: Overcoming the Challenges to Atrocity Prevention (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015)
- 'Liberal and Non-Liberal Justifications of Mass Violence Against Civilians,' in Alan Cromartie (ed.), Liberal Wars: Anglo-American strategy, ideology, and practice (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015)
video and audio media
- 'Ideology and Mass Killing Webinar' International Association of Genocide Scholars, 14 December 2022
- 'Ideology and Mass Killing Book Launch', King's College London, November 2022
- 'Ideology and Mass Killing: The Radicalized Security Politics of Genocides and Deadly Atrocities', The Perpetrator Studies Network, Book Launch November 2022.
- 'War in Ukraine: Whom can we believe? Shall we provide weapons to Ukraine?', Argumentorik: Menschen Überzeugen mit Wlad, YouTube
- 'Rethinking Extremism in Comparative Perspective,' Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- 'Ideology and Mass Killing: The Radicalized Security Politics of Genocides and Deadly Atrocities,' The New Books Network
- 'The Global Systemic Consequences of the Ukraine-Russia War Part I' and 'The Global System Consequences of the Ukraine-Russia War Part II', The Cascade Institute
- 'Ideology and Mass Killing,' Discourses of Violence Workshop, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (video links to whole workshop)
- 'Ideology and Violence in World Politics,' Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria
- 'What is Ideology?,' The Political Philosophy Podcast (with Matto Mildenberger)
- 'Ideology and Mass Killing Book Launch', King's College London, November 2022
- 'Ideology and Mass Killing: The Radicalized Security Politics of Genocides and Deadly Atrocities', The Perpetrator Studies Network, Book Launch November 2022.
- 'War in Ukraine: Whom can we believe? Shall we provide weapons to Ukraine?', Argumentorik: Menschen Überzeugen mit Wlad, YouTube
- 'Rethinking Extremism in Comparative Perspective,' Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- 'Ideology and Mass Killing: The Radicalized Security Politics of Genocides and Deadly Atrocities,' The New Books Network
- 'The Global Systemic Consequences of the Ukraine-Russia War Part I' and 'The Global System Consequences of the Ukraine-Russia War Part II', The Cascade Institute
- 'Ideology and Mass Killing,' Discourses of Violence Workshop, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (video links to whole workshop)
- 'Ideology and Violence in World Politics,' Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria
- 'What is Ideology?,' The Political Philosophy Podcast (with Matto Mildenberger)
- 'Extremist Ideologies and the Roots of Mass Atrocities: Lessons for Ukraine,' JustSecurity (14/10/2022) [online, available here]
- 'The struggle to prevent atrocities in Ukraine,' UK in a Changing Europe (21/04/2022) [online, available here]
- 'Is Genocide occurring in Ukraine? An Expert Explainer on Indicators and Assessments,' JustSecurity (06/04/2022) [online, available here]
- ‘Oxford admissions tutor: only radical school reform will significantly widen access,’ The Times Higher Education Magazine (2/11/2017) [online version available here]
- 'Let's not pretend Trident renewal is a simple question for the left,' (02/06/2016) [online, available here]
- 'When is speech dangerous?,' (16/03/2016) [online, available here] and Eurozine (21/03/2016) [online, available here]
- 'Britain's missing nuclear debate', The New Statesman (30/10/2015) [online, available here]
- 'The Government doesn't understand terrorism — and it's making things worse', The Independent (06/07/2015) [online version available here]
- ‘Is bombing ISIS atrocity prevention or a token gesture ?’, Politics In Spires (29/09/2014),
- ‘Nasty piece of work: The Sun’s nationalism is doing England great harm’, The Conversation (01/07/2014),
- ‘What is the Left for?’, The Point, 5 (2011)
- 'The struggle to prevent atrocities in Ukraine,' UK in a Changing Europe (21/04/2022) [online, available here]
- 'Is Genocide occurring in Ukraine? An Expert Explainer on Indicators and Assessments,' JustSecurity (06/04/2022) [online, available here]
- ‘Oxford admissions tutor: only radical school reform will significantly widen access,’ The Times Higher Education Magazine (2/11/2017) [online version available here]
- 'Let's not pretend Trident renewal is a simple question for the left,' (02/06/2016) [online, available here]
- 'When is speech dangerous?,' (16/03/2016) [online, available here] and Eurozine (21/03/2016) [online, available here]
- 'Britain's missing nuclear debate', The New Statesman (30/10/2015) [online, available here]
- 'The Government doesn't understand terrorism — and it's making things worse', The Independent (06/07/2015) [online version available here]
- ‘Is bombing ISIS atrocity prevention or a token gesture ?’, Politics In Spires (29/09/2014),
- ‘Nasty piece of work: The Sun’s nationalism is doing England great harm’, The Conversation (01/07/2014),
- ‘What is the Left for?’, The Point, 5 (2011)
review articles/correspondence
- 'Dragojevic, Mila Amoral Communities: Collective Crimes in Times of War,' Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (2020)
- ‘Correspondence: Ideological Extremism in Armed Conflict,’ International Security 43/1 (2018) [Co-authored with Kai Thaler] [journal download here]
- ‘The Magnitude of Genocide by Colin Tatz and Winton Higgins’, Genocide Studies and Prevention 11/1 (2017)
- ‘Emotions, Decision-Making and Mass Atrocities by Olaoluwa Olusanya’, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books (May 2015)
- ‘A doubtful genealogy’, The Oxonian Review of Books, 15.3 (2011)
- ‘Stalin’s Genocides’, The Oxonian Review of Books, Orbits (2011)
- ‘Correspondence: Ideological Extremism in Armed Conflict,’ International Security 43/1 (2018) [Co-authored with Kai Thaler] [journal download here]
- ‘The Magnitude of Genocide by Colin Tatz and Winton Higgins’, Genocide Studies and Prevention 11/1 (2017)
- ‘Emotions, Decision-Making and Mass Atrocities by Olaoluwa Olusanya’, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books (May 2015)
- ‘A doubtful genealogy’, The Oxonian Review of Books, 15.3 (2011)
- ‘Stalin’s Genocides’, The Oxonian Review of Books, Orbits (2011)
working papers and other miscellaneous pieces
- 'Clarifying Political Normativity: A Reply to Matt Sleat' [online manuscript, available here]'
- 'Quentin Skinner and the Analysis of Ideology' [conference paper, available here]
- 'Quentin Skinner and the Analysis of Ideology' [conference paper, available here]